May 17, 2017


Because Your Safety is Serious Business

According to a study conducted by the Association for Safe International Road Travel, roughly 20 to 50 million people around the world are injured in car accidents each year. Conscious auto manufacturers like INFINITI have made the safety and security of their owners a number one priority, as evidenced by features like Forward Emergency Braking on new INFINITI models.

Emergency Braking: The Facts

INFINITI’s Forward Emergency Braking system uses state-of-the-art technology to calculate both the distance between you and the vehicle directly in front of you and the speed at which you’re both traveling. Based on this actionable information, your INFINITI vehicle can literally detect the possibility of a collision and adjust your speed, helping you to avoid a car accident altogether.

At the heart of the Forward Emergency Braking feature is a two stage warning system, both intended to give you the most actionable information possible in an inherently fluid situation. The “Risk Detected” warning alerts drivers with both visual and audible cues that the situation may be more dangerous than they had initially realized. The car automatically pushes the accelerator pedal up in response. If a driver releases the accelerator, the system automatically applies partial braking – thus lowering your speed and helping to avoid a head-on collision.

The second warning stage is dubbed “Collision May Occur.” If the aforementioned situation continues to play out and the driver takes no action of any kind, the INFINITI vehicle will automatically apply an additional set of warnings in an attempt to alert you to impending danger. If you continue to do nothing, the car automatically brakes harder than before to either help you avoid a collision or to reduce the ultimate consequences should one occur.

It is important to note that NO safety feature – be it Forward Emergency Braking or something else entirely – can replace safe and responsible driving. As the operator of a motor vehicle, the burden always falls to you to make the best and most informed decisions possible at all times. Advancements like Forward Emergency Braking and others in new INFINITI vehicles, however, do go a long way towards keeping the roads as safe as possible for all of us.

It is also essential to understand that the Forward Emergency Braking system was not designed to prevent accidents due to carelessness or poor driving decisions. Speed limitations will also apply that will affect whether or not the system is able to operate as intended.


Features like Forward Emergency Braking do more than just protect you from the inherently dangerous driving conditions on roads across the country – they allow you to rest easy knowing that you’re putting the power of modern technology to work for you, keeping you safe wherever you are on the open roads. To find out more information about Forward Emergency Braking, or to get answers to your important INFINITI questions, contact Sanford INFINITI today.